Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Inevitable Rant

I suppose anyone who writes a blog cannot avoid touching upon politics. And so it goes....

It seems this year our choices for president are poor, poorer, and poorest. As someone who always thought he believed in the Republican party, John McCain just doesn't do it for me. NOR does the majority of ALL the congressional office holders. They just don't get it. So, knowing that all those people will be searching out my opinion so they know the mood of the country, here are the qualifications or attributes needed to get my vote, in no particular order. Unfortunately, every election, we tend to think the next president will do all the things promised and set the country aright. It never happens. The President must have a Congress who will work together and that NEVER happens. The list below can only come about with both branches of government working together.

Cancel our participation in NAFTA. It is not equal to all countries. Cancel it NOW. Job creation.

Allow drilling for oil in ANWAR. No one wants to do that but it is a tragic necessity. Job creation.

Cancel the NAFTA highway begun in Texas and, in theory, to extend to Canada.

Pardon the two border patrol policemen NOW and give them back their jobs with back pay.

Allow stem cell research on a reasonable basis beyond what ole "W" favors.

Cancel current trade agreements with China and other countries and renegotiate. New agreements must be equal to all concerned. If Japan imposes taxes upon American automobile manufacturers to sell autos in Japan, then we do the same in return. An eye for an eye. A level field of competition. Anyone who thinks Toyota, Nissan, Honda and all the others are now American carmakers are badly fooled. The Japanese government has subsidized their auto makers and others for decades, unlike here in America where the government has nothing but taxes for our manufacturers. Wake up people. Buy American while we can. Job creation.

Overseas importers must insure, not ensure, incoming shipments. ALL shipments must be inspected by American companies responsible only to our government and paid for by the importers. An organization similar in nature to the Coast Guard. Violations must result in swift, and significant fines along with rejection of the shipments. No nonsense, no second chance, no compromising.

Withdraw our troops from Iraq and Afghanistan within 18 months, period. Cease being the policemen for the world. What makes us think we can correct all the world's ills and impose democracy upon nations that have been warring and slaughtering each other since time began? Politicians and pollyannas will scream "Isolationism" -- the world is too small. No it isn't -- we just want to participate on OUR terms. It continually amazes me how politicians campaign upon promises of "listening to their constituents" and "I am with you" and "I will be your voice", but once in office, their attitude is "Well, we know best", or "Trust us" or "You elected me -- I will do what I prefer" -- NO, do what you promised and do what the country wants. "Of course I will still love you in the morning" has no more appropriate application than to our elected representatives. Obviously, there are always exceptions to anything.

Enforce immigration laws already on the books. Establish new immigration policy -- put some Congressmen to work instead of worrying whether Roger Clemens took steroids and HGH. Build the friggin' fence, station our troops from overseas along the border (some will say the Constitutuion prevents that and I say then change the Constitution.) Fine employers heavily for hiring illegal immigrants. EVERYONE must pay taxes, Social Security, be covered by health insurance, and learn to speak English acceptably with one year. "You take a test, you pay the costs, you speak our language, you pay taxes like everyone else. And then you pass a test. Deporting 12 million illegal immigrants is unrealistic, but making them legal immigrants is possible.

Quit arguing over gun control. The right to bear arms is expressly granted in the Constitution. As a matter of fact, encourage "carry" laws with training and proper certification.

Eliminate foreign aid. Use the money and that from the end of the Iraqi war to establish an organization, similar to the old Civilian Conservation Corps, to rebuild our infrastructure Job creation.

Establish tax incentives to ensure companies manufacture in the United States. Job creation.

Establish universal health care. I have no idea how.

Pursue the idea of establishing a federal sales tax and eliminating the annual income tax and the IRS.

Establish "supertaxes" on companies with windfall profits such as health care, oil industry, and pharmaceuticals.

Stand up to the vocal minorities and quit being afraid of offending every single little group of cry babies. We will NEVER be able to satisfy every little sect.

And lastly, we need a president who can pronounce "nuclear"!

Oh, and one last thing -- replace Nancy Pelosi -- the most strident, rabble-rousing, divisive figure in Congress.

So there you have it. Does that make me a Democrat or a Republican? It doesn't matter.... I'll bet it makes me an American.

I solicit and welcome your opinions.


daisy said...

Yes, it makes you American! I agree on all fronts -- even to not knowing HOW universal health care could be made to work. But many alternatives have to be better than what isn't working now. Your ideas are just basic common sense that built this country in the first place -- when did 'THE PEOPLE' become 'THE SHEEP'? Very well-written.

Unknown said...

Well said, Bubba. I'd be proud to be your vice-president if I could do it from Germantown. I would add a few 'fine points' to the platform.
First, make English OFFICIAL. There should be no dual-language signs and no requirement for American citizens or businesses to provide services in any other language.
Second, if you are here illegally, you have NO rights. There will be no welfare, no driver's license and any children you happen to have while you're here will NOT automatically be U.S. citizens.
Third, when you switch to the sales tax, please provide for a refund of income taxes paid on all after-tax savings. Too many taxes have been collected on that money already.
Finally, under the Second Amendment details: All states must recognize every other state's right to carry permit. If I am carrying legally within the laws of my Ohio permit, I should not be subject to prosecution under a California technical difference. Also we must have national 'Castle Doctrine' or Stand-Your-Ground' law that protects citizens from civil liability if they legally use deadly force to defend themselves, their loved ones or their property. Today, in Ohio, you can be sued into bankruptcy for killing an armed intruder in your own home!

Let me know when you get the campaign website up and running!