First, I want to mention how thankful I am for my new hearing aid. It has made a world of difference and even made a difference in Anne's life -- she doesn't have to repeat everything now. I put it off far too long.
Early in the morning on the day of my angiogram, the night nurse and a PCT (personal care technician) came into my room and announced it was time to shave my groin area for the procedure. The night nurse was a cute, friendly young thing with a winning personality. She was very professional and obviously a most capable nurse. That night my PCT was an older black woman with quite a beard and didn't inspire a lot of confidence, but over the past few days we had become quite impressed with her personality, her efficiency, and her easy-going way. I have to admit I wanted her to do the shaving. As it turned out, she did the shaving as soon as Anne and the nurse left the room. Hospitals are no place for privacy or modesty. Anne went downstairs to get some coffee. The PCT left right away and then the nurse came back in, asked if there was anything I needed. I replied "No, thanks." Then standing directly in front of me sitting on the bed she said, " Would you like me to play with you?" Well, that's about as dumbfounded as I have ever been! My mouth dropped open, my face froze, and I was speechless! The only thing I could think of to say was, "Uh, cards....?" She looked me in the eye and said "I said, would you like me to PRAY with you." Oh God, where is the nearest hole for me to crawl in? Why couldn't I have just said, "Excuse me?" Or any other such expression? After what seemed like 30 minutes, I recovered, and said "Yes, please." She never batted an eye, sat down beside me, held my hand and prayed one of the most eloquent, sincere prayers I have ever heard. Needless to say, I didn't hear every word because I didn't have my hearing aid in.
Of course, my family, particularly Aunt Eliza, have been very solicitous and concerned and quick to send "Get well"cards that should make one feel better; witness this card and associate it with my above story!

I suspect I haven't been to church as much as I should have over the years, although I accept Christ, the son of God, as my savior.
When the EMS first came to get me at home about midnight, they took me to the nearest smaller hospital/emergency room where I also received excellent, professional, friendly, and thorough care. About 8:00 am they were readying me for transport to Parkridge Hospital and the nurse who was taking care of me came in the room and said, "Would you like me to anoint you?' At least that's what I THINK I heard.... I said, "Yes." and she pulls out this little vial of liquid from her blouse, puts some on her finger and makes the sign of the cross on my forehead. She explained it was frankincense and myrrh. Another ritual I was unfamiliar with. And then she put her hand on my head and also spoke an eloquent and sincere prayer.
Moral of the story: Believe in God, trust those around you, and LISTEN UP!
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