Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Never-Ending Catch-up

This post was written obviously in May but never "posted' so it is a little outdated.
It's the first of May already. Since the last post, we have lost our dear cousin Dave Gross. He was the best. He showed courage beyond my comprehension and fought the good fight as well as anyone I have ever known.
Other than his loss, everything has been relatively calm. I had a cold for six weeks, the flu for a month, followed by a current bout of labrinthitis. It's bad stuff and can literally knock you down in a second. 'Not too much to be done except bear it for a few more weeks.
We are currently in the midst of planning a Haddix Reunion the last week of June here in Chattanooga and hope everyone can come.
Boy, the size of the mosquitos here! Two came on the porch the other night and before I knew it dragged me down the stairs into the backyard and stole my billfold! 'Fooled them though -- I only had seven dollars!

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