Thursday, July 17, 2008

A rant on the loose!

OK, folks, this rant is probably VERY politically incorrect, but after reading about trash in Naples, my fuse was lit. Will someone explain to me the reason(s) for the following?

Why, after thousands of years of different civilizations, i.e., China, India, Mexico, all the Latin countries for that matter, all the African countries, all the Middle East countries, Russia, and on and on, is it that it SEEMS to me that only America, England, Australia, Canada, and POSSIBLY France, Germany, Switzerland, have what I consider to be a modern civilization? Naples, Italy, just ran out of a place to put their trash so they haven't picked up any since DECEMBER?? People literally wade through garbage on the sidewalks, water supply is probably contaminated.Can you imagine 5 months of garbage piled up in our city streets? I know an older couple who grew up in Naples during WWII, moved here shortly after, and go "back home" every year. But about fifteen years ago they had to quit their yearly trips because it was too unsafe to go too NAPLES ITALY! Now, their relatives come here for visits.

With the head start other countries had on America, why has America become the most modern, NOT without its serious problems, prosperous country on earth? You think its bad here? Move to any country in Africa, live in a bamboo/cardboard hut in China or Korea, become a member of the nomadic camel herders in Africa, or be a farmer in Russia and have your life depend upon those potatoes growing in the yard. Why have English-speaking countries been so comparatively successful? I truly don't understand it. Is it because we have so many natural resources? Is it because our particular civilization is so young and hasn't had the time to collapse inward? Now, before the apologists rant at me -- there are always exceptions. Not having been there, I suspect Buenos Aires, Madrid, Rome, and a handful of others that escape me right now, are great modern cities. But leave those cities and go to the country and you will find many people living as they did a hundred years ago. Is it because of some mysterious "work ethic" imbued in English-speaking peoples. I doubt it. Is it because we are somewhat "isolated" physically from other countries? Probably not. Is it because we are a paragon of democracy? Is it because we are a Christian nation, but keep government separate? Is it because we are such an innovative country and if so, why are we the most innovative?

Anyone who has traveled will tell of all the things they missed while touring other countries and what they just take for granted. I don't mean to sound provincial; I am honestly looking for rational reasons. So, if you have an opinion, please weigh in and share with everyone.

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